Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rant of the day

Video games, video games, video games.
We need more creativity in games. Less shaders, more style. That's what i preach. The human eye likes smaller details on a bigger canvas, it likes to be able to focus and see everything for what it is. Compare the two pictures.

-Gears of war-

-Beta shots from Team Fortress 2-

Now find in the pictures your enemy. yes its a small resolution but in the team fortress picture, you can easily see your team mates. The amount of shaders is almost the same in each game, but with team fortress, they are all balanced. Gears does look pretty, but when your fighting the good fight against the locus horde, its sometimes confusing, and opponents can be easily missed.

Video games, its not all about Antilasing and crisper resolutions. yea they can be important, but they can be easily compensated with well thought out design and a good sense of creativity.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

A Legend in the making

3 days into development and I'd say we're doing pretty good!

i know its not extravagant, but its a start!

software i'm using...


Visual Studio C++ 2005
Devkit Pro

Boycott Advanced

Thursday, April 17, 2008